What are the electrodes used for ECG?

The main electrodes used for ECG are:

– Limb electrodes: These are placed on the arms and legs to measure electrical signals. Common limb leads are LA, RA, LL, and RL.

– Chest electrodes: These are placed on the chest in specific spots to pick up the electrical activity of the heart. Common chest leads are V1-V6.

– Ground electrodes: Help minimize interference. Can be placed anywhere.

– 12-lead ECG uses 10 electrodes total – 4 limb electrodes on arms/legs, 6 chest electrodes (V1-V6), and 2 extra for grounding.

– Each electrode detects a unique “view” of the heart’s electrical activity from its location on the body.

– Electrodes are conductive metal discs with a silver/silver chloride surface contacted to the skin by a conductive gel.

– They detect small electrical signals on the skin generated by heart muscle depolarizations.

– Electrodes convert ionic currents from the skin into electronic currents that get amplified and recorded.

– Standard disposable ECG electrodes have a self-adhesive backing and are designed for one-time use.

So in summary, ECG uses multiple electrodes placed in specific spots on the limbs and chest to get a comprehensive picture of the heart’s electrical conduction system. The electrodes transduce ionic signals into electronic outputs.

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