Where should ECG electrodes be placed?

Here is where the electrodes should be placed for a standard 12-lead ECG:

– RA (right arm) – on the right arm, preferably on the upper arm below the shoulder.

– LA (left arm) – on the left arm, preferably on the upper arm below the shoulder.

– RL (right leg) – on the right leg, preferably on the lower leg around the ankle.

– LL (left leg) – on the left leg, preferably on the lower leg around the ankle.

– V1 – 4th intercostal space at the right sternal margin.

– V2 – 4th intercostal space at the left sternal margin.

– V3 – Between V2 and V4, on the same horizontal plane.

– V4 – 5th intercostal space at the midclavicular line.

– V5 – Same horizontal plane as V4, at the left anterior axillary line.

– V6 – Same horizontal plane as V4, at the left midaxillary line.

Proper skin prep and electrode placement help get clean ECG signals with minimal noise or artifacts. The limbs furthest from the heart work best for the limb leads.

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